The Richest man in Babylon

Riqueza; Autoayuda, Inglés
Hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on saving, financial planning, and personal wealth, The Richest Man in Babylon is a timeless classic that holds the key to everything you want and want to achieve in life. Through entertaining stories about ancient Babylonian shepherds, merchants, and traders who were the first to discover the universal laws of prosperity, George S. Clason provides concrete advice for creating, increasing, and preserving wealth. Beloved by millions, this celebrated bestseller offers insight and a solution to personal financial problems. Some of the financial principles covered in this book include Pay yourself first, Don't trust a mason to buy jewelry, Don't get caught up in other people's emotions, Go find the experts, Don't put all your eggs in one basket (Diversify your portfolio.), Control your spending (Even the richest man has a time constraint in his life. Do what you enjoy, but don't overdo it.), Increase your ability to earn. Keeping these basic principles in mind will help you weather tough financial times and put you on the path to wealth.

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